Five23 Blog

Having trouble finding venture firms that write you back? You are not alone. When raising venture capital, it is common to reach out to over 100 venture firms. On average, about 10 of these venture firms will email you back; and even fewer will actually...

Have you ever been asked for your traction as a company? Whether it be for your upcoming board meeting or to appease potential investors; Five23 has identified five startup metrics that will give you that needed boost and show your startup’s traction. Not only will...

When established companies are purchased, finding the value of the business is particularly easy. The buyer can use the historical cash flow of the business to determine what the total value of the business is on a yearly scale. From there, this number is factored...

 Have you had to raise money for your startup before? If you are like 99% of entrepreneurs the answer is ‘Yes’. In order to realize a young entrepreneur's dream of scaling to profitability, funds are needed ─ luckily there are several sources of capital to help...